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  • Sydney Lawson

Sky Art

I'm pretty sure I have an obsession. When I see a beautiful sky, I need to take a photo of it. The majestic open sky is just absolutely captivating to me! For a moment it takes me out of the reality of the life I'm living and in that present time… I'm just looking into this vast sky above me. No matter it be a sunset, a certain way the clouds are forming or even just the colors that the light produces in our atmosphere. It all amazes me enough to stop what I'm doing and capture that moment that I want to remember.

To many, taking photos of sunsets or just the sky in general seems so boring and plain… but when you just look at it and really take the time to see all the forms and the colors that are there, it can really be spectacular. It's amazing that our earth and universe can produce such unique wonders around us. In fact, if you really think about it… that time will only be witnessed once and will never repeat again exactly the way you saw it. The way that nature shows itself in its truest form is something that will never be duplicated. So the beauty you see, is a masterpiece. Enjoy the universe's sky art… and really take a minute to capture the beauty that it reveals to you.

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